Ministry of Defense Hackathon
During this Hackathon I had to familiarize myself quickly once more with a new area of expertise, which was Military Logistics. We were presented with a case in which the logistics of military and medical supplies in an active battlefield needed to be assured. We were given a quick crash course of the parameters we had to keep in mind after which we proceeded with designing an optimal, out of the box solution in our team.
In general, I was able to exercise my soft skills by being one of the presenters in front of the jury and also my ideation skills inside a multidisciplinary team.
Exploratory Sketching
Exploratory Making
This course has given me the possibility to improve on how I quickly present and convey my ideas. We were asked to investigate a variety of different shapes, from regular square products to scenes and complex products. Later on I was able to utilize this skill in the ideation phase of my internship project.
By going through a mindset change I was able to look at sketching not only as something you do on paper but something you explore during the course of making. This course has successfully taught me the technique of creating low to mid fidelity prototypes that will definitely be used as a method to support the sketches and ideas I have.